Family Matters

by Sean Si 
 It’s a question that a lot of single ladies are asking in our day and age. As if all the men turned to boys… Or otherwise. Can all the real men please stand up?

We are Being Sought
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”Genesis 3:8-9
Did you notice that it said in the verse: “The Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
God didn’t look for Eve. God was looking for Adam. Why?
Because men are supposed to be in charge. The buck stops with us.
Men are responsible for the Earth and everything in it.
We are responsible for our work and career and business.
We are responsible for our wives, our children, our household.
We are responsible for our disciples, our followers, our students in the faith.
Men, in the end, God is going to look for you and me. What are you doing to make sure that when the time comes, you’re going to stand up and say: “Here I am, Lord. What can I do for you?”

The Myth of Laying Low
There is a myth that’s eating up the men in our day and age. It’s this: That if I “lay low and pass the ball to my wife or to other people, I won’t ever get blamed for anything.”
It’s a deep pit to fall into. That mindset gives you a false sense of safety and blamelessness.
Here’s the truth: You are never blameless. The people in your circle of influence are there because you have a part to play.
Laying low and burying your talents and influence in the ground is not only lazy and immasculine, it is wicked.
It’s much like what the servant in Jesus’ parable did to his master’s talent:
“So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’’
- Matthew 25:25
The servant played it safe – a war might happen, the economy may go down, the market might fluctuate – so why don’t I just go and take your talent and bury it on the ground?
This looks like a nice, conservative stand – until his master found out:
“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?” - Matthew 25:26
Where are the real men?
They’re out there – making sure their talent, influence, resources, relationships, and everything entrusted to them by their Master is being put to great use: Furthering the kingdom and the glory of their King.
Won’t the real men please stand up?
The world direly needs you.


How to Destroy a Family?
by Ps. Dennis Sy

Whether it is Dr House on the show House MD or stories of countless of men that I have heard – the effect remains the same when it comes to dysfunctional personalities and families. To effectively destroy the family, which is the basic unit of society, then neutralize the man.

Hit the top. Target the leader. Since God has designed man to take leadership roles, the enemy would want to destroy the man of the house. Destroy the man of the house, destroy the house. It is a simple game plan.
For men it means we are to expect attacks from the enemy, from our culture, from media. Expect temptations to test your leadership and manhood. When we start becoming passive as men, then we have been neutralized.
I am for a movement of men who are willing to fight the good fight of manhood and fatherhood. And you don’t have to be a father first to fight this fight. Even as a single man, you can already start fighting for your manhood. You cannot be neutralized. The mistake is that we think Satan would only destroy us once we get married and have kids. He is far wiser and strategic than that. He gets us when we are young. He would try to neutralize us early on in life.
The reason I passionately blog about this subject is because I want to declare ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I am tired of passive manhood. I am tired of men acting like consumers and not producers. We have to take responsibility. We have to be in battle position. We cannot afford to be passive men.


Family Relationship
An Interview with Mikee Cojuangco 


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