Health and Beauty

Magic Beauty
Vadim Andreev is a 29 year-old makeup artist from St. Petersburg, Russia, who has been honing his skill since the age of 16. He has become so talented at his craft, he proves that almost any woman can be as beautiful as a model if she really wants to. All it takes is some well-applied makeup.
But it’s important to note that this kind of beauty is superficial. There’s nothing wrong with emphasizing our natural beauty, but some girls out there are depressed because they can’t achieve what the magazines say true beauty is. Here’s a wake-up call to show you what these women really look like.
Of course the real story here is that superficial beauty is just that – superficial. Any woman can have it, but it’s what’s on the inside that truly sets you apart.


In adults itchy scalp is a common condition that occurs from time to time. It might be due to a skin condition or might come on due to temporary reasons. The discomfort that an itchy scalp provides may also herald other problems. While it is a sign of poor hygiene when one scratches their heads, the flakes that fall off such as dandruff or even lice could get transported when one itches their scalp in public. Thus, this condition has to be controlled as soon as it is felt. There could be several causes that bring on itchy scalp in adults as well as in children. Often, it symbolizes dry, flaky scalp skin while it could also herald fungal infections or others.

Causes of Itchy Scalp

Causes of itchy scalp can be several. One needs to go through the following list of possible causes to figure out which is most applicable for one’s condition:
  • The most common problem is the dandruff. This again can be brought on by a number of other factors like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and others.
  • When one suffers from dandruff and itchy scalp, it could indicate that one is suffering from a scalp infection which could be fungal in nature
  • Dandruff could be of the mild or severe kind, depending on the source of the main ailment or skin condition that brings it on in the first place
  • In children, an itchy scalp is usually due to attack of lice. The lice are a form of parasite that feeds on the blood from the scalp. The saliva of the pest creates an allergic reaction for which the hair or the scalp itches.

Itchy Scalp Symptoms

The symptoms of such a condition are few:
  • Persistent urge to itch the scalp
  • Flaky skin or tiny white particles coming off the scalp
  • Hair or scalp feels dry and flaky
  • The skin could be punctured and a bruise or an open wound could form due to the itchiness or the infection formed on the scalp
Thus, while the symptoms for the itchy scalp are all the same, the underlying cause has to be determined. If it is merely due to a dry scalp, there are many home remedies that one can resort to. Again, if the skin is suffering from parasitic infection, there are many healing agents that can be used on the scalp to help it heal.

Simple & Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Itchy Scalp

Even if itchy scalp is not a condition to be alarmed by, you need to know that there are many home remedies that can come of help in order to get rid of the persistent itchiness that exists in the scalp for various reasons.

1. Create The Essential Oil Mixture

As itchy scalp is usually brought on by a dry scalp, an essential oil mixture treatment will do a world of good to the scalp as well as the hair. One can make a mixture of
  • Natural oils like tea tree oil, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil and lavender oil.
  • The amount that can be used on the hair depends on the length of the hair.
The oil can be put to use on regular basis till the itchiness reduces.

2. Using A Mask

Honey is known for its richness and its role as a natural moisturizer. It is an antibiotic agent. One can create a hair mask with the following:
  • Add on a ripe banana and mash it with honey
  • Mix onion juice in it
  • Make a paste out of the mixture
  • Apply and leave on scalp for twenty minutes
  • Rinse off or shampoo your hair
This mask is known to help reduce flakes, dandruffs and other inflammations.

3. Using Hot Oil

A great remedy for hair as well as dry scalp is hot oil. It helps the scalp to retain moisture and reduces the dryness felt on the scalp.
  • Take some olive oil
  • Warm it
  • Add drops of honey
  • Massage on for a few minutes
  • Shampoo off the hair after a few minutes.

4. The Power Of Lemon

Lemon is known to be a useful ingredient when it comes to healing itchy scalp.
  • Fresh lemon juice needs to be poured on the scalp.
  • Shampoo off the juice from the scalp after a few minutes as it has a drying effect on the scalp.

5. The Benefit Of Apple Cider Vinegar

It is known that apple cider vinegar is a powerful anti inflammatory substance that kills off viruses and yeast.
  • A mixture of apple cider vinegar and water would make a great home remedy for the itchy scalp
  • The scalp needs to be rinsed with clear water
  • The mixture should then be added with soft cotton
Then the hair should be shampooed off.

6. Baking Soda And Water

It is known that baking soda is useful as a natural remedy:
  • A mixture of baking soda and water should be made
  • This should be applied to the itchy scalp
Once it is allowed to stay on the scalp for some time, it should be washed off.

7. Use Of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known to have many beneficial properties for the skin as well as for the scalp.
  • One can apply the gel on the scalp
  • Once it is on the scalp for sometime it should be shampooed off

8. The Benefit Of Coconut Oil

Many people swear by this simple oil which is known or its wonders for hair.
  • For itchy scalp a little bit can be warmed and massaged on the scalp
  • Once it is kept on the hair for sometime, the hair can be washed off
Regular use of coconut oil is recommended for those who have itchy scalp problem.

9. Use Of The Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known to be a beneficial ingredient for the hair:
  • It has anti inflammatory properties
  • It has anti bacterial properties
  • It is recommended that the tea tree oil be added to the scalp regularly.
It will definitely help to ease itchiness, flakiness as well as any swelling that might appear on the scalp.

10. Diet For Better Scalp

It is important to follow a balanced and nutritious diet for a healthy scalp:
  • Ensure balanced amounts of micronutrients in one’s diet
  • Nuts, fruits, vegetables and other essential ingredients should be consumed

11. Change Your Hair Care Products

If you are facing an itchy scalp:
  • It is recommended that you change the shampoo that you use regularly
  • You could opt for a more gentler and moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to reduce the dryness of the scalp

12. A Moisturizing Solution To Use

One can make the following mixture to make a conditioning and moisturizing mask for the hair:
  • Mix together olive oil, puree of broccoli and mayonnaise
  • Rub on the hair or scalp
Leave it on and wash it off after sometime. The olive oil will reduce oiliness, the mayonnaise will hydrate while the broccoli will cleanse the scalp deeply.

13. Do Not Tie Wet Hair

Many women with long hair and busy schedule might be tying up their hair before it is fully dried.
  • Damp hair collects dirt
  • Mold can even grow on hair
Thus, drying and brushing the hair is vital for good health of the air and scalp.

14. Brushing Everyday

Ensure that you brush your hair regularly, specially if you have long hair.
  • It helps to increase blood circulation
  • It distributes the natural oil on the scalp

15. Do Not Use Products With Alcohol

If you are suffering from persistent itchy scalp, it could be due to the alcohol content in the hair product you use.
  • Check the labels of the hair shampoo and conditioner
  • Check the ingredients listed on the bottles to be sure

16. Use A Good Conditioner

If you are not able to create natural conditioners at home all the time:
  • Invest in a hydrating conditioner
  • Choose a conditioner for the kind of scalp and hair quality you have

17. Protect Scalp From The Sun

If you are out in the sun for long time, ensure that you wear a cap and protect the scalp:
  • The scalp too suffers from sun damage
  • Long exposure will reduce the oil content and make the scalp dry and itchy

18. Check For Lice

If your scalp is feeling itchy, it could be due to head lice:
  • Ask someone to look for tiny white eggs that might be on the hair strands
  • If they are found, it is evidence that lice is present
  • One needs to wash the hair with anti lice shampoo
  • Mayonnaise is a natural treatment for hair lice
Are you suffering due to an itchy scalp? Have you tried all the remedies known to you? You might have overlooked some point or another. Take a closer look at all the points discussed above to find relief and a long lasting solution.

 27 Ways To Sleep Better
   The average person spends more than one third of his/her life asleep. But don’t be fooled — just because the body is sleeping doesn’t mean it’s slacking off. During sleep, the body repairs itself so that when the alarm clock goes off, our bodies are renewed and refreshed. Tossing and turning all night can affect judgment, productivity, and the ability to retain information the next day. Over time, it can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and — of course — a chronic bad attitude. (Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?) So whether or not you're a morning person, check out our list on how to sleep better tonight.

     Disclaimer: While factors like stress or big life changes can bring on a few sleepless nights, prolonged trouble sleeping could be a sign of another issue like depression or a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. If these are worries, schedule a doctor’s visit to get things checked out. A medical professional might suggest a hormone test or another kind of evaluation to make sure everything’s okay.
  • 1. Establish a bedtime routine. This lets the body know it’s time to unwind from the day’s stress and chill. Figure out a schedule and stick to it every night of the week — even weekends!
  • 2. Journal. Thinking about or doing stressful activities can cause the body to release stress hormones, leading to alertness. But writing out stressful thoughts in a journal can help us avoid restlessness once we hit the sheets. Studies suggest certain types of journaling allow us to focus on the positive instead of the negative aspects of our day [1].
  • 3. Munch on magnesium. Research suggests magnesium plays a key role in our ability to sleep through the night [2]. Try chowing on magnesium-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, and swiss chard [3]. Or pop a ZMA supplement, another form of magnesium, about half an hour before bedtime.
  • 4. Try a cup of chamomile tea. This herbal drink can reduce anxiety that might make it more difficult to fall asleep [4].
  • 5. Exercise regularly. Studies suggest some aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety and improve quality of sleep in people who suffer from insomnia [5].
  • 6. Work out earlier in the day. While exercise can help improve sleep quality, it’s important to schedule workouts that end at least two hours before hitting the hay so that post-workout adrenaline boost doesn’t keep you up.
  • 7. Take a power nap during the day. Ten to 30 minutes in the mid-afternoon is best to ensure a good night’s sleep. Any longer and we risk falling into deeper stages of sleep, which can leave us feeling groggy when we wake up.
  • 8. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep. While many of us don’t get nearly that much, sleep deprivation has been linked to high cortisol levels (aka more stress) [6]. Recent research also suggests not sleeping enough is linked to insulin resistance, a condition in which the body can’t process insulin efficiently and a risk factor for diabetes [7].
  • 9. Bedroom activities only, please. Reserve the bed for bedtime-only activities so the mind associates the bedroom with relaxation....sleep. Work and bills, not so much [8].
  • 10. Create a comfortable environment. Whether that means picking the perfect mattress, splurging on 800-thread-count sheets, getting heavy-duty curtains to block out light, or keeping a fan in the room for background noise, make sure it’s comfy before climbing into bed. Share a bed? Work with your partner to make any changes necessary so everyone sleeps well.
  • 11. Keep the bedroom slightly cool. Between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. A room with extreme temperatures leads to more frequent awakenings and lighter sleep.
  • 12. Take a hot shower or bath before bed. This can help the mind relax, while the rise and fall of body temperature induces sleepiness.
  • 13. Set a daily wakeup time. Just like it’s best to go to bed at the same time every day, it’s a good idea to keep a consistent wakeup time — even on the weekends. Irregular bedtime and wake-up hours can lead to poor sleep patterns [9].
  • 14. Make up for lost sleep. Stayed up too late the past few nights? Tack on an extra hour tonight to repay sleep debt and get back on track.
  • 15. Keep caffeine fixes to mornings and early afternoons. Drinking it too late in the evening can lead to an unwelcome bedtime boost. For some people, the effects of caffeine can last the whole work day — up to 10 hours after that last venti macchiato.
  • 16. Don’t toss and turn. Can’t fall asleep? If you’ve been lying in bed awake for more than 20 minutes, get out of bed and try a relaxing activity like reading or listening to mellow music. Thinking about not sleeping will bring on even more anxiousness — it’s a vicious cycle.
  • 17. Check the medicine cabinet. Certain medications might be interfering with sleep. Think a prescription is the culprit to a sleepless night? Talk to a doctor about potential side effects and how to deal with them.
  • 18. Leave Fluffy on the floor. Sleeping with pets can interfere with sleep. Snuggle before bedtime and then let them get comfortable elsewhere.
  • 19. Face the alarm clock away. Watching the time tick by can actually cause more stress and make it harder to fall asleep. Plus, artificial light from electronic gadgets can mess up our circadian rhythm, making our bodies think it’s time to stay up and party.
  • 20. Get techy. Check out the variety of smartphone apps and other gadgets designed to help usher in a better night’s sleep. Tracking sleep over a long period of time can also help us pinpoint what’s helping — and hurting — our snooze time.
  • 21. Listen to soothing music. It can improve both sleep quality and duration [10]. Try classical, folk, or slow-paced contemporary styles for some soothing sounds. 
  • 22. Sniff some lavender. This scent can actually be an antidote to insomnia. Try burning lavender-scented candles or essential oils to ease into sleep [11].
  • 23. Try progressive muscle relaxation. Starting with the feet, tense the muscles. Hold for a count of five and then relax. Do this for every muscle group in the body, working up from the feet to the top of the head [12]. A nightly meditation practice that involves focusing on the breath can also help prepare the body for sleep.
  • 24. Dim the lights. Bright lighting, in particular the “blue light” emitted by most electronic devices, might contribute to sleep disturbances. Tech-savvy insomniacs might want to check out the special glasses designed to block blue light and help us snooze through the night [13].
  • 25. Get some fresh air. Exposure to daylight helps regulate the body’s internal clock and with it, sleep timing. Getting some sunlight also keeps daytime fatigue at bay, leading to more sleepiness at bedtime.
  • 26. Establish an “electronic curfew.” The artificial lights from computers, TVs, and cell phones might make it more difficult for the body to understand when it’s time to wind down. And one study suggests limiting TV at bedtime can reduce sleep debt [14].
  • 27. Drink something warm. While a glass of warm milk might not be medically proven to bring on sleep, the relaxation that comes with sipping on a mug of a “comfort drink” like warm milk, hot chocolate, or tea can make those eyelids a bit heavier.

Preventing Gas Formation
  The Gas was formed in our Human body due to the Digestion Problems and Some foods are also cause for the Gas formation, Simple reasons like improper cleaning of the Vegetables, and Fast Eating makes the Gas to be Formed in the Stomach.

     Gas is not harmful, But it irritates you,A part form this Foods the point to be Noted is Chew your Food Neatly, it will makes the Digestive System work smaller and we get the Proper Digestion

       Some Foods that Prevent the Gas Formation in your body is given below

1) Consumption of the Ginger will Soothens your Stomach and help in your Digestion, it Reduces the Excessive  Gas Formation

2) A Teaspoon of Raw Honey will Prevents the Excessive Gas Formation

3) If you are feeling that your Foods are not digested properly, Just add Peppermint leaves to the Tea or else Chew the Leaves, it will prevents the Gas formation

4) Water, just like flushing in the Washbasin our Body also needs the Water to do it

5) Pineapple is an tasty fruit that helps your Food to Break down which leads to the Easier Digestion

6) Avoid some Dairy products like Milk, if you are Suffering with Excessive Gas Formation

7) As Onions and Garlic are high in Sulfur, it will forms More Gas, so Better to avoid it

8) Excess of Beans will lead to Gas, so better to avoid it

Cure for Cancer and Other Illnesses


1. Boil the 1 liter water in a sauce pan. 
2. As soon as it boils, add the leaves and turn the heat to low. 
3. Simmer it for 20 minutes. The color will turn to golden brown or just like the color of regular tea. 
4. let it cool before drinking. The tea is only good for 7-8 hours and may be refrigerated.
     *It should only be taken for 30 days. More than that, it will destroy the normal flora.     
        *After 30 days, have yourself checked by your doctor to examine if the disease is still there. If the symptoms is still there, taper the dose to maintenance dose.      
       *If the symptoms disappear before the 30 day treatment, continue taking the tea to make sure that no single sick cell is present. 30 day treatment, 3x a day, one glass 30 minutes before meals no skipping. 

        ***Dont mix the tea with other healing substances to avoid incompatibility. 
        *** Dont overuse the tea. Follow the procedure.

Health Benefits of Banana




Health  Benefits of Cucumber

We used to think that cucumber is too “cooling” for the bones. On the contrary, cucumber
really helps counter inflammation in joints by removing the uric acid crystallization.


The cucumber is a type of melon and comes from the same family as watermelon, zucchini and other squash. It is cylindrical in shape with lengths of approximately 6 to 9 inches.
Its skin is very similar to watermelon, ranges from green to white. Inside, the flesh is pale green and very juicy.
The cucumber is a tropical plant but is also easily available in most part of the world. However, in some cultures, cucumber is more often used to make pickles, of which most of its nutrients would have been lost.

Nutritional Benefits
Cucumber has an impressive amount of water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which makes it superior to ordinary water. Its skin contains a high percentage of vitamin A, so should not be peeled off. The cucumber contains alkaline-forming minerals and is an excellent source of vitamin C and A (anti-oxidants), folate, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts of vitamin B complex, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus. You have seen beauty practitioners use slices of cucumber on their eyes. It is found that the caffeic acid in this vegetable helps to prevent water retention and when applied topically, helps reduce puffy and swollen eyes.

Health Benefits Most people are unaware of the immense health benefits of cucumber and would avoid eating cucumber where possible. Fresh cucumber may taste “bland” to some but its thirst-quenching and cooling properties are refreshing. It acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with fried and barbequed foods.
I like to mix cucumber juice with carrot or orange juices.
Here’s a list of health benefits of cool cucumber:
Acidity:  The alkalinity of the minerals in cucumber juice effectively helps in regulating the body’s blood pH, neutralizing acidity. The juice is also soothing for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Blood pressure:  Like celery, this colorless drink can help regulate blood pressure because of its minerals and traces of sodium.
Connective tissues, building:  The excellent source of silica contributes to the proper construction of connective tissues in our body as in the bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
Cooling:  During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of cucumber + celery juice. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature.
Diuretic:  Cucumber juice is diuretic, encouraging waste removal through urination. This also helps in the dissolution of kidney stones.
Fever:  The temperature regulating properties in cucumber juice makes it a suitable drink when you have a fever.
Inflammation:  The Chinese think that cucumbers are too “cooling” and not suitable for people with rheumatism. But we know now that cucumber can help counter uric acids that are causing inflammation in joints. When cucumber is taken it does its cleaning work at the joints, thus stirring up pain as it eliminates the uric acid. This means it also help other inflamed conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout.
Hair growth:  The silicon and sulfur content in cucumber juice makes it especially helpful in promoting hair growth. Drink it mixed with carrot, lettuce or spinach juice.
Puffy eyes:  Some people wake up in the morning with puffy eyes, probably due to too much water retention in the body (or having cried to sleep). To reduce the puffiness, lie down and put two slices of cucumber on the eyes for a good ten minutes.
Skin conditions:  The high amount of vitamin C and anti-oxidants in cucumber makes it an important ingredient in many beauty creams for treating eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.
Sunburn:  When there is a sunburn, make cucumber juice and rub it on the affected area for a cooling and healing effect.
Water retention: It supplies the necessary electrolytes and restores hydration of the body cells, thus reducing water retention.
Consumption Tips
Choose cucumbers that are dark green in color and firm to the touch. Avoid those that are yellowish or are wrinkled at either ends. Thinner cucumbers have fewer seeds than those that are thicker. Store cucumbers in the fridge to retain its freshness. Cut cucumbers should be kept wrapped up or in an air-tight container and kept in the fridge. Consume within a day or two.



Kidneys Detox Drink

Kidneys are one of the most vital organs of our body which are responsible for regulating the composition and volume of electrolytes and fluids in your body. Consumption of alcohol and different types of soft drinks can affect the efficiency of your kidneys.
Regular consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages can lead to destruction of electrolytes. This directly leads to alkalinity imbalance in our body which results in a wide range of kidney disorders.

Some of the habits that can endanger the function of your kidneys are listed below

  1. Not urinating when you feel the urge
  2. Lack of enough water
  3. Protein-rich diet
  4. Excess consumption of refined or processed foodstuffs
  5. Long-term medications
  6. Lack of rest
Citrus fruits, cilantro and asparagus are some of the fruits that can protect your kidneys from all possible damages and also prevent the formation of kidney stones. Note that consumption of these fruits doesn’t allow you the liberty of resorting to alcoholism and spoiled lifestyle.

Benefits Of This Drink

  • Blood alkalization
  • Cures and prevents kidney stones
  • Reduces swelling and premenstrual bloating
  • Rich supply of antioxidants, anti-cancerous and anti-inflammatory agents
  • Increased supply of electrolytes which leaves the cells well hydrated
Are you concerned about the safety of your kidneys? Do you suspect a hidden kidney disorder? Start taking the aforementioned super drink that can cure as well as prevent all sorts of kidney damage.


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