Word in the Marketplace

How to Act at a Business Meeting

 Acting in a professional way at a business meeting is essential. People are often judged by how they perform in meetings, and that is a key reason why you should be at your best. Preparing properly for the meeting allows you to participate with confidence--but you should not dominate the discussion by talking too much. Showing respect for others' opinions is important as well, and you should avoid creating distractions like chewing gum, tapping your pen on the table or drumming your fingers.


1. Arrive about 10 minutes early for the business meeting. Arriving early relieves stress, allowing you to feel relaxed and confident as the meeting begins. It also presents an opportunity to network with others arriving early and shows your commitment to punctuality. Arrive early even if the meeting is a one-on-one conference. Tell the receptionist or your host that you're happy to wait in the lobby until the meeting time.

2. Wait to be seated. Usually you should remain standing until the host arrives and follow her lead in being seated. Exceptions are allowed for casual conferences or regularly scheduled meetings with the same group of people.

3. Turn your cell phone off and put it away once the meeting begins. Put other electronic gadgets away as well. Focus all of your attention on the person speaking or presenting at the meeting. Take notes using pen and paper but don't stare at the pad or doodle.

4. Avoid outbursts, constant negativity or interrupting others. Do not tell jokes. Humor during a meeting is sometimes good, but a seemingly harmless joke could offend someone.

5. Participate actively in the meeting. Ask questions and offer feedback when you have something meaningful to contribute. Thank the organizer for arranging the meeting when it is over.


Behaving professionally is an implicit, tacit trait that makes you look confident and of course, that you act appropriately for the circumstances but it is not often spoken. It is a talent that can make your life a success, if projected properly.
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Watch your personality. The first thing that a stranger sees in you is your outward personality (your first impression) but not just your good looks and charms. So always have a winning personality that everyone seeks for. Joining personality development programs is a good idea to develop your personality.

Don't boast. Don't go around telling everyone how you survived Antarctica barefoot or how you climbed the Mt. Everest without using oxygen cylinder. It's good to boast a little with your close friends and family but not with everyone. They'll just think that you're a show-off. Let them talk about their achievements, so that you have equal right to then establish your status. You must not be a self-centered person, but let other people express their views, on ideas upon the meeting table. 

Listen. Don't talk about you and your life only. Let other tell you about themselves, and listen to them. It's a very good and professional habit to show interest in what they're saying. Never ignore them while they're speaking either.
  • However, if you disturb the person that you're listening to, while they're speaking -- hopefully, this person will want to keep the conversation interactive, but remember, don't go off the topic when disturbing their presentation or point of view. 
Dress up professionally. It simply means wear the clothes in which you are comfortable with. The dress should strictly match with your personality or else people are just going to laugh behind your back. If you are a nerd type of guy, don't go around with a punk type dress.
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  • It is also a very good idea to make your own signature style regarding dress. For example, Steve Jobs wore his turtle neck, Levis jeans and white shoes in each and every keynote and public appearances.
Behave Professionally Step 3.jpgHave simple hair styles. Make your style professional looking, wearing deodorant, cologne, perfume, etc. Make sure that your appearance does not reflect immaturity.

  Learn to behave professionally. Look directly in the eye of people who are talking to you; don't make weird faces and don't stare too much either, doing this to make the speaker think that you respect him but are not intimidated by him.

Do not get overexcited about a product. No matter how hyped the product is, getting overexcited just displays immaturity. If someone has a product that you've been waiting to buy, don't beg them to give it to you a few moments sooner. Keep your calm and your excitement under control.
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 Talk less, but talk with sense. Don't talk too much with people unless it's about sharing valuable ideas with the other people. Be sure to talk with logical, good sense. People should think that you are talkative, but in a good way.
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Talk formally. Remember, while you are talking less, with clear sense, be sure to talk formally as well. Speaking informally will leave a bad impression on other people, especially if you are just getting to know a person.
  • Remember not to have the "holier than thou" and the "know it all" attitude; it just puts people off.

Accessorize yourself with some of the latest gadgets in the world. You must be updated with the latest world of fashion and technology and learn to walk with the modern times. Always accessorize yourself professionally.

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 Don't ignore others. If someone asks for a necessary help, then please help them, but if a person shows up with a task which he/she can easily do but is too lazy to do it, then advise the person to "Do it for yourself."

Behave Professionally Step 14.jpgBe good at what you do. If you have several skills or talents, be best at it and never ever try to imitate others. You must always have a great deal of competence so that others will likely notice your professionalism.

Behave Professionally Step 12.jpg Be respectful to others. Be it rich or poor, a CEO or regular staff, your grandpa or the garbage collector, you must respect everybody that you encounter. You must respect all jobs and talk to everybody with equal respect. Slowly, when people start noticing this trait, you'll be respected.

Learn to keep a promise. If you've ever given a promise to somebody, then make sure you keep it. Doing this will make the person think that you are reliable and honest, a trait which will boost your professionalism.

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Try to be punctual, not too nonchalant. Time should mean a lot to you. Always be on time for meetings, whether it is with your friends or your clients. Your punctuality will be remembered by other people, as being late drastically lowers the respect that other people have for you.

Don't be overconfident. Do not show a grin, snarl or grimace. If some work or project is given to you, then don't grin, or seem overly proud; just put your head up with a very slight smile (or anything else that makes people realize that you are okay with the work and the responsibility). You can also show this confidence at home, work or even on a date.

Behave Professionally Step 16.jpg Pull out evidence when talking. Bring out factual information--citing a quote, offering, bringing forward evidence or support--for your issues. It will influence the person to whom you are telling a quote. But these examples must be related to what you all are talking about. Not trying to do so, will just make you appear to be uninterested in the conversation.

Don't get overly emotional, proud, hurt or angry. Even it's a funeral, or your friend's Nobel acceptance speech, keep things simple and go for a firm handshake to congratulate each. Stay silent at funerals with no obvious tears in the eye; otherwise people may think that you are way too emotional to act professionally in all circumstances.
  • You can try to rehearse your professionalism, with simple style and a kind of formality everyday such as in front of the mirror (in the beginning phase).
  • Maybe you'll be discouraged at the beginning but don't give up'.'
  • You may become shy at first to act professional. But, as time passes by you'll get used to it.
  • While behaving professionally, you must not often laugh or grin. Smile rarely, and that would make you seem serious upon your own life and to be seemingly to have no time to waste on silly jokes.
  • When you've made a promise to others and have a hard time to keep up the word, just offer some alternatives or other stuff to the specific person.
  • Don't overdo all the styling and formal, controlled behavior mentioned above, too obviously or often. It will not make others happy, if you are "putting-on-airs" (faking, acting).
  • Following the above steps may be difficult at first, too, with people getting far from you and trying to avoid you even. So, don't be a changed man overnight. Do the above steps slowly so that people won't see a big difference in you all of a sudden.




10 Truths A Successful Man Lived By


6. Thinking and Doing Are Two Different Things
             Success never comes to the people who just think about it but to those who act on it. Dreams and faith are useless without action. Successful people are men and women of actions, who are willing to get out of the comfort zone and be disturbed. When they see things, they immediately take a course of plan and immediately exploit to receive the desired result. They won't stop working until they are satisfied with the result.
              You don't need to feel 100% ready to do a task, or else you will be just waiting for the rest of your life.

7. Failure Usually Comes First Before Success
            Committing a mistake is not a problem, but the painful thing is, when it occurs you never learn from it. Too afraid to fail won't lead you to the possible way of success. A person who avoid failures, fail to find the possible solution to the problem. The difference between the master and the beginner is that master failed many times than the beginner had ever tried. Sometimes things need to go very wrong before they can be right.
            Success is a product of learned lesson from past failures.

8. Being Busy Does Not Mean Productivity
           Your productivity does not depend on having a hectic schedule.  Busyness sometimes slowdown our capacity to perform well. We cannot actually do everything we want to do, but we may choose to do what we value. Proper scheduling, planning and saying "no" would help us prioritize and do what is important. When we try to please everybody we will eventually find ourselves in the end exhausted and lonely. 
           Use of time is  an investment, better utilize it to which is important to you and serve your purpose.
9. You Live The Life You Create
          Everyone receives a gift of life, but how it becomes depends on you. Many people will give their own opinion about life and tries to persuade you, however, the decision is yours to make. They will walk with you but can never be in your shoes. So make sure that the path you walk aligns with your conviction and values. Do not be afraid to change course when it is worth and will lead you to your purpose.
           It makes no sense to be at the top when you miss to do your passion and the purpose of your soul. Set your goal, be productive and patient. Keep the good attitude while working and waiting for the result of what you believe in. Your success shall be your witness in the end.
           Be brave to step up to the edge of the unknown, you are actually design to exploit greater things. And greater things are the result of your faith and your intentional moves.

10. Life Is Short
          The average human life is relatively short. Death comes to everyone, it will happen eventually. Somehow we were surprise when it comes, we thought there is still one more stair and find ourselves off balance for a moment, before our mind shifts back to the present moment and how the world really is.
           Live your life today! Don't ignore death but don't be afraid of it either. Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action. Death is not the greatest tragedy in life, but a life without a purpose. The greatest loss is what dies inside of you while you're still alive! Nothing to lose if you step out to live and take the challenges of this life.

- to be continued -

Conviction Not Opinion

"On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but his mother spoke up and said, 'No! He is to be called John.' They said to her, 'There is no one among your relatives who has that name.'" (Luke 1:59-61).

Have you ever had to go against public opinion or advice from family members or peers? Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptist. It was time to name the child. Tradition said the name would be in honor of a family member. The family members were insistent. When Elizabeth didn't agree with them, they appealed to Zechariah who supported Elizabeth.
Zechariah was told by the angel Gabriel the name was to be "John." They were being obedient to the Lord's command which went against tradition and public opinion.
We live in a day when leaders are often driven more by public opinion than what is right. We are each called to live a life based on obedience-based decisions, not public opinion. Living a life of obedience will often go against the tide of public opinion. Jesus lived a life based on a purity of purpose and mission. The Pharisees wanted Him to conform to the rules of religious tradition. The result was He died because He lived to obey an audience of One, not public opinion.

Are you challenged to live a life of conviction versus pleasing others? Be true to what God has called you to do no matter the cost.

The Influence is You

Have you ever heard the word "influencer?" What does it mean to you? One of my favorite devotional writers learned from his publisher the meaning of it. He said, "Big mouths. When these people speak, other listen." Influencers are people who lead. When they speak or exhibit a behavior or buy a product, other follow. Think of people like Malcolm Gladwell and Seth Godin, or think of Billy Graham or Bill Hybels or Rick Warren. 

In Matthew 5:13-14 Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world." Here's an amazing instruction by Jesus believes each and every one of us is an influencer. Not just pastors and leaders, but each of us. Preachers and Bible readers are agreed on one thing about "salt" and "light" in our passage: they might mean any number o things, but one thing they do mean is that SALT INFLUENCES MEAT and LIGHT INFLUENCES DARKNESS. They make an impact.

But there's more here: Jesus doesn't urge us to become influencers. He says each disciple, by virtue of being a follower of Jesus, already an influencer. His concern is not becoming an influence but ruining our existing influence. He doesn't want our "salt" to become "unsalty" (what is chemically impossible is morally possible.) He doesn't want our light to be covered up (by refusing to witness to Jesus Christ.)

Another way of looking at this: Jesus wants us to be more influential by faithfully being who we are and by faithfully doing what we are called to do: FOLLOW JESUS, show love to our neighbor as we would to ourselves, and serve others out of the grace we have been shown by God.

We carry out our influence when we are directly connected to the right people. They are the one who help us and train us to do well. Like the disciples of Jesus, whatever their past and who they are, they were able to leave a positive influence to their generation, change the world and do great things by following the instruction of their Master.

If we pick weeds from our garden daily, if we water our flowers daily, our garden flourishes; if we pick weeds once and water once, our garden dies. The same way, if we read the Bible daily, if we pray daily, if we love daily... if we are faithful, over time our influence may increase.

Being a SALT of the earth and LIGHT of the world is natural to true disciples of Christ. They follow the example of their Master that turns them to become disciple makers. Christlike character shall be reproduced to those who follow them. True Disciples are the salt and light of the world, who go and make disciples, they are world changers, nation transformers and disciple makers. They exploit transforming influence.

Reflect on these things: What kind of influence do you have and can you have? Where could you learn to have "more" influence? How does faithfulness prompt you to see a long-term deepening influence?

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