Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Leadership: Jesus' Way

Matthew 26:39-42
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." 40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. 41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." 42 He went away a second time and prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done."

     What is the first thing come into your mind when you think about "leadership"? Some says that leader has the direction where people follow. He holds the steering wheel. He knows where to go and how to get there with power and authority.

      I admire many characters from the Bible who displayed courage in fighting the battles and face their challenges fearlessly. One day I prayed to the Lord this prayer, "Lord I admire a lot of great leaders in the Bible but I want to learn your you face the challenges, I want to learn how you do it." Different from what I expect the revelation of his ways.

      1. To go up is to go down v. 39
           - Jesus turned the culture of this world down side up. The thought of this world about leadership is having a high position with controlling power. However, Jesus leads by laying down His life and emptying His self.
           a. from heaven to earth
           b. from being the King to a Servant
           c. from sitting to the throne to kneeling to the ground
           - Jesus led by example, He imparted His lifestyle. He prayed, ministers, submits, obeys, serves, teaches, forgives, disciples, loves, and empowers.
           - the glory of leadership comes from serving other's concern.
      2. To lead is to submit v. 39
           -Jesus became the most powerful and effective leader of all time because of His unreserved submission and obedience to the Father. Being in human form, Jesus felt the heaviness of the prize of redemption, for three times He prayed earnestly to remove the suffering He was about to experience and yet His heart is in submission to the will of the Father. 
           - Because of that, Jesus' influence to the past, present and even future generation leaders brings transformation and gives inspiration to do the same.
      3. To admit weakness is to receive strength v. 41                  
           - Jesus Himself experienced weakness in the body, He admitted it and sought for help from His own disciples. He shared with the weakness of humanity according to the Bible, and He knew what to do...admit, get real, be transparent. He wept, was hungry, was thirsty, and felt the pain when the Father turned from Him. 
           - our weakness is never condemned by God, instead He helps us according to the Bible. It is pretension (hypocrisy) that irritates Jesus.
           - it takes courage to admit weakness and acknowledge need for help.
      4. To conquer is to control oneself v. 42    
           - Jesus as the Son of God has the power and authority to command the angels, the creation or the nature to move in His behalf but He never did. Jesus was able to conquer sin and death by overcoming His self first. He is the leader who control not anyone but  direct His own will and tame His own desire. 

     Jesus is the perfect example of a true leader. A leader who is able to direct and govern His self, led without pretensions who lived the truth. A leader who leave an impact to his generation and society knows to humble, submit, admit and control self.

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