Friday, February 28, 2014

10 Truths A Successful Man Lived By

6. Thinking and Doing Are Two Different Things
             Success never comes to the people who just think about it but to those who act on it. Dreams and faith are useless without action. Successful people are men and women of actions, who are willing to get out of the comfort zone and be disturbed. When they see things, they immediately take a course of plan and immediately exploit to receive the desired result. They won't stop working until they are satisfied with the result.
             You don't need to feel 100% ready to do a task, or else you will be just waiting for the rest of your life.

7. Failure Usually Comes First Before Success
            Committing a mistake is not a problem, but the painful thing is, when it occurs you never learn from it. Too afraid to fail won't lead you to the possible way of success. A person who avoid failures, fail to find the possible solution to the problem. The difference between the master and the beginner is that master failed many times than the beginner had ever tried. Sometimes things need to go very wrong before they can be right.
            Success is a product of learned lesson from past failures.

8. Being Busy Does Not Mean Productivity
           Your productivity does not depend on having a hectic schedule.  Busyness sometimes slowdown our capacity to perform well. We cannot actually do everything we want to do, but we may choose to do what we value. Proper scheduling, planning and saying "no" would help us prioritize and do what is important. When we try to please everybody we will eventually find ourselves in the end exhausted and lonely. 
           Use of time is  an investment, better utilize it to which is important to you and serve your purpose.
9. You Live The Life You Create
          Everyone receives a gift of life, but how it becomes depends on you. Many people will give their own opinion about life and tries to persuade you, however, the decision is yours to make. They will walk with you but can never be in your shoes. So make sure that the path you walk aligns with your conviction and values. Do not be afraid to change course when it is worth and will lead you to your purpose.
           It makes no sense to be at the top when you miss to do your passion and the purpose of your soul. Set your goal, be productive and patient. Keep the good attitude while working and waiting for the result of what you believe in. Your success shall be your witness in the end.
           Be brave to step up to the edge of the unknown, you are actually design to exploit greater things. And greater things are the result of your faith and your intentional moves.

10. Life Is Short
          The average human life is relatively short. Death comes to everyone, it will happen eventually. Somehow we were surprise when it comes, we thought there is still one more stair and find ourselves off balance for a moment, before our mind shifts back to the present moment and how the world really is.
           Live your life today! Don't ignore death but don't be afraid of it either. Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action. Death is not the greatest tragedy in life, but a life without a purpose. The greatest loss is what dies inside of you while you're still alive! Nothing to lose if you step out to live and take the challenges of this life.

- to be continued -

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