Friday, September 26, 2014

Natural Skin Whitening

skin lightening
Here are the top 10 ways to lighten skin naturally.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt, a by-product of milk, has many nutrients that are good for the skin. It also contains lactic acid that has bleaching properties. The following remedies are suitable for all skin types.
  • Gently rub plain yogurt onto your skin. Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for several weeks to notice a significant change in your complexion.
  • Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of fresh yogurt with one-half tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this daily to improve your skin tone and complexion.
  • You can also add a little lemon juice and some oatmeal to yogurt to make a thick paste, and apply it as a face mask. This remedy will also help keep your skin supple and moisturized.

2. Oranges

The most important ingredient in skin care is vitamin C, which you can get in abundance from oranges. Plus, oranges have bleaching properties that can lighten your skin tone.
It has been found that regular consumption of fresh orange juice can greatly improve the overall texture of your skin as well as its suppleness. To lighten your skin, oranges can be used in two different ways.
  • Make a paste by combining two tablespoons of orange juice anda pinch of powdered turmeric. Apply the paste on your face and neck before going to bed. You can also apply it on your hands and legs. Wash it off the next morning. Do this daily.
  • Grind dried orange peels into powder. Mix one tablespoon of the powdered peels with one tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a paste. Apply the paste on your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water. This will help lighten spots and other marks on your face. Do this once or twice a week, but no more than that.

3. Gram Flour

Gram flour is one of the best ingredients for people who wish to lighten their skin complexion. It contains various nutrients that help keep your skin very healthy. Using the remedy below every other day will help remove excess oil from your skin while retaining your skin’s natural moisture.
  1. Mix some gram flour with a small amount of water or rose water to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply it on your face, hands, and legs.
  3. Leave it on until the paste dries. Then wash it off with water.

4. Honey

Honey helps bleach skin while also acting as a moisturizing agent. Dry skin is a common factor that contributes to an uneven skin tone. Honey also has antibacterial properties that can help fade age spots and acne scars.
  • Apply pure honey to your face, leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This simple remedy will help remove dead skin cells, making your skin appear brighter and fresher than before. Do this once daily.
  • To make a skin-lightening mask, combine one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and one-half teaspoon of almond oil. Mix them well and apply it gently on the skin. Leave it on for 10 to15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Do this every other day.

5. Lemons

The acidic property in lemons works as a natural bleaching agent for the skin and the high amount of vitamin C in them encourages new cell growth. Also, lemons have antioxidants that are very good for skin complexion.
  • Dip a cotton ball in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it directly on your face. You can even rub a cut lemon directly over the affected skin and allow the juice to stick to the skin. Leave it on for at least an hour and then wash your face with water. Do this once daily. This simple remedy will surely lighten your skin complexion and can also prevent the development of scars on your face.
  • Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of turmeric powder or tomato juice to make a paste. Apply the paste on the skin and leave it on for half an hour. Wash it off with water. Do this once daily.
  • Alternatively, mix together one teaspoon each of lemon juice, powdered milk and honey. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Do this daily or every other day.
Note: When using these remedies, be sure there are no open wounds on your skin. The acidic nature of lemon juice can cause pain in open wounds. Also, lemon juice may not be suitable for sensitive skin or if you are allergic to lemons.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera can alleviate hyperpigmentation and restore your skin’s original color. Hyperpigmentation is one of the main causes of uneven skin tone.
Also, the cooling effect of aloe vera helps regenerate new cells and rebuild damaged tissue, which is important for healthy skin. This simple remedy using aloe vera gel can lighten dark spots and improve your overall skin complexion.
  1. Cut the outer layers of an aloe vera leaf. Squeeze out the thick, jelly-like substance.
  2. Apply the gel thoroughly on your skin.
  3. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then wash it off with water.
  4. Do this at least twice daily for two weeks. 
  5. If you do not have an aloe vera plant, you can buy aloe vera gel in the market.

7. Papaya

Papaya is regularly used in various beauty treatments and can also be used to lighten your skin complexion. Papaya is believed to contain natural bleaching properties and the various nutrients in it will make your skin glow with health.
  • Eat papaya as a fruit. The general cleansing properties of papaya will cleanse the skin of impurities that could be causing it to darken.
  • Rub the inner part of the skin of a papaya on your face. Allow it to dry. Then wash your face with cold water and pat it dry. This will give your skin a nice glow. Do this daily.
  • Mash a ripe papaya and mix it with one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Massage the mixture all over your face and neck. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this at least once a week to notice a visible change in your skin tone.

8. Turmeric

9. Cucumber

cucumber slices
Cucumber binds collagen and ensures that your skin is firm as well as supple. Supple and firm skin often has an even and light skin tone. Cucumber also has a cooling effect on your skin. It is suitable for all skin types.
  • Place cucumber slices directly on the dark skin areas in need of lightening treatment. Leave them on for a few minutes, remove them and then rinse your skin with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily.
  • Grate a cucumber and mix it with honey to make a spot-reducing mask. Apply the mask on your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. Do this twice daily for effective results.
  • You can also mix one teaspoon each of lemon juice and cucumber juice. Apply it on your face, leaving it on for 15 to 20 minutes or until it dries. Wash it off with water. Do this once daily.

10. Oatmeal


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Connecting the Vision

Connecting is the leadership ability to identify with and relate to people in such a way that it increases your influence with them. Connecting demands constant attention on the part of the leader so that people stay tuned in to the vision, values, and priorities of the organization. The trick is to keep the connection going no matter what transpires.
Before baseball games were televised, radio stations across the country competed against one another for market shares of the listening audience. Watching the game on-site from the grandstands, a correspondent hammered out its happenings in Morse code and sent real-time updates via telegraph to radio stations across the country. At the receiving end, a telegraph operator translated the encoded reports for a broadcaster, who then announced the play-by-play action as if watching the game live.
One young announcer faced a sticky situation when his telegraph machine momentarily malfunctioned during the middle of a ballgame between the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals. Knowing his listeners would switch to another radio station if he stopped broadcasting, the young man improvised to buy time. He acted as if the current batter was fouling off pitch after pitch after pitch. He described one foul ball as nearly being a home run—flying over the fence only a foot wide of fair territory. He elaborately fabricated another story about two boys tussling over a foul ball hit into their section of the stands. After ad-libbing for a few minutes, the announcer started to sweat. He knew the charade would have to end soon. Just as he was on the verge of confessing to having lost communications, the telegraph wire came back to life. Relieved, the young broadcaster resumed the broadcast—finally able to relay the game’s actual proceedings.
The quick-witted young announcer was none other than Ronald Reagan, future president of the United States. Reagan’s aptitude for connecting with audiences garnered him the nickname of The Great Communicator. This simple illustration from his days as a radio broadcaster is packed with insights on connecting with people.
1) Be Creative
Ronald Reagan cleverly used his imagination to keep his audience tuned in to the broadcast of the ballgame. He found an inventive solution to an unforeseen difficulty. Communication without creativity quickly ends in disconnection. As a leader, your challenge is not merely to disseminate information but to capture the imagination of your people.
2) Tell Stories
Foul ball. Another foul ball. Yet another foul ball. That was the basic content of Reagan’s improvised announcing. However, Reagan succeeded in extending the radio broadcast because he turned each pretend foul ball into a colorful story. A player narrowly missed a home run, two kids got in a scuffle fighting over a souvenir, etc.
Packing information in a story extends its shelf life. In other words, principles fade but stories stick. If you want people to remember what you say, convey it in a narrative way.
3) Give Frequent Updates
The worst outcome for any radio network is to have dead air time. People listen long when all they hear is silence. Reagan knew that to keep his audience engaged he had to give frequent updates.
In any workplace, people want to be in the loop. They like to be informed about what is expected of them, about how they are performing, and about any changes on the horizon. When they feel stonewalled by leadership, or simply neglected by those in charge, they rapidly lose motivation.
4) Don’t Be Afraid of Repetition
Ronald Reagan described one foul ball after another while waiting for an incoming telegraph with news about the baseball game. He was not reluctant to repeat the same thing again and again. As leaders, we get in such a hurry to push forward that we sometimes forget that it’s okay restate our vision. Indeed, repeating it is never a waste of time. On the contrary, retelling the vision is crucial because 1) your organization experiences turnover and newcomers need to know the vision, 2) people are easily lose sight of the big picture, and 3) an enlivened vision energizes an organization.
Thought to Ponder
Who is the best connector/communicator you know? What specific qualities make him or her so captivating?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Empowering Others

The Law of Empowerment says that only secure leaders give power to others. But what does it mean to be secure? Using the analogy of personal finance, let’s look at what’s missing from the lives of insecure leaders. This will help us better understand where security comes from and why it matters.
Paupers, debtors, and hoarders lack the real or perceived financial security necessary to give generously to others.
Paupers have no source of income aside from the financial assistance they receive from someone else. Penniless and dependent, they’re clearly unable to help others financially.
Leaders without purpose are like paupers. They have no passion, low energy, and little drive to grow in influence. Usually, their only source of power is the position they have been given by somebody else. In terms of personal authority, they’re impoverished.
Debtors may have nice salaries, but their expenses exceed their income. They’ve maxed out credit cards and taken out hefty loans. Consequently, they’re stuck paying exorbitant interest rates on the amounts they have borrowed. In an upside-down financial situation, they’re in no position to give generously to others.
Leaders without authenticity are like debtors. Someone deeply in debt may appear wealthy, even though they’re secretly on the verge of bankruptcy. The closer you inspect their life, the more signs of dysfunction you see. Similarly, inauthentic leaders may seem to have all the tools to lead with excellence. However, they are missing the crucial component of moral authority. They do not practice the values they preach, and they prefer to keep others at arm’s length to hide their shortcomings.
Hoarders are sitting on a pile of wealth, but they think only of protecting it rather than of sharing it with others. They have the plentiful resources but are unwilling to part with them.
Leaders without humility resemble hoarders. Having put their talents to work, they enjoy a significant amount of power. However, they’re worried about others taking it from them or gaining more of it than they have. So, instead of using their influence to empower others, they keep it for their own benefit.
As leaders, we can only lift others up when we’re standing on a firm foundation. Purpose, authenticity, and humility give us a secure, stable base from which to lead.
Purpose is the answer to the question: why do you want to lead? The best leaders have a purpose that is greater than they are. Their “why” involves more than accumulating money or seeking self-actualization. They see leadership as a calling rather than a career, relishing the opportunity to use their unique talents to accomplish something significant that will outlive them.
Authenticity means being comfortable in your own skin. Authentic leaders have self-awareness, self-respect, self-confidence, and emotional maturity. They prize integrity above image, and they seek to build trust with others on the basis of their personal character.
Humility is often wrongly associated depreciating and downgrading ourselves. However, true humility flows out of gratitude and comes when we credit God for our blessings and others for our successes. As Rick Warren teaches, a humble leader doesn’t deny his strengths; he’s simply honest about his limitations. Humble leaders feel no need to trumpet their status, are unthreatened by criticism, and revel in the accomplishments of others. They put their pride aside so that others have room to shine.

Question to Consider
What power do you possess that you could be shared with someone else? What obstacles might you have to overcome in order to be willing to give your power away?

Attitude - "It's a Choice"

Source: David Hoyt

As I shared in my last post, one of the teachings from John that has caused me to grow the most is How to be a REAL Success.  Previously I wrote on Relationship principles that I’ve learned from John over my career working with him.  Today I’ll share on the A in REAL – Attitude.

One of the most valuable lessons that I’ve learned from John is that attitude can be one of my greatest assets.  Ultimately, my attitude is my choice.  Neither negative people nor negative circumstances can control my attitude.  It’s ultimately up to me to choose the attitude that I have.  As a high school student, my parents gave me a poem by Chuck Swindoll, entitled Attitude that shaped my thinking.  This poem was on my desk throughout high school and college and has become ingrained in my thinking.


“Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company… a church… a home.  The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.  And so it is with you… We are in charge of our attitudes.”

Question for reflection:  Is your current attitude one of your greatest assets?

Secondly, I’ve learned from John that successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.  Specifically, I’ve seen him model finding time every day for intentional thinking.  There is not a day that goes by that John doesn’t spend time in solitude thinking.  I’ve traveled the world with him and seen him have days that were incredibly busy but no matter how heavy the load, he always finds time to get away and spend time in thinking and reflection.  I’m not yet at the place where I can say that I take time everyday just to think, but I’m close.  Between running and spending time at the end of each day on my porch or in my hot tub, there is hardly a day that goes by that I’m not spending intentional think time regarding my life and leadership responsibilities.

Question for reflection:  Are you carving time daily for intentional thinking?

As it relates to attitude, I’ve also learned from John that the difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.  I’ve never met anyone who spends less time looking in the rearview mirror of life than John.  He has truly modeled how to make failure your friend.  Through reflection he is able to pull out lessons to be learned and modifications to be made in the future. but he doesn’t stay mired down by failure.  He moves on quickly to the next quest and takes the wisdom gained from the failure to make him better in the future.  This practice is still a work in progress for me.  Too often I want to beat myself up or become discouraged from failure.  I’m continually working to learn lessons from my failure and be able to move on quickly to the next opportunity or initiative.

Question for reflection:  Are you making failure your friend?

Great Habit That Brings Success

Much of self-leadership is about cultivating good practices or habits. And if you could cultivate only one habit to practice every day of your life, I believe it should be this: giving more than you receive. I say that because having a giving mind-set has so many benefits:
Giving Acknowledges That Others Have Helped Us
No one succeeds in life on his own. Every one of us has been helped along the way by other people. When we give to others, we acknowledge that by paying it forward.
Giving Requires Us to Get Beyond Ourselves
When your mind-set is to give more than you take, it forces you to think of others more than of yourself. You have to pay attention to others and what they want. You have to figure out how to give it to them. These things shift your focus from yourself to others. That very fact makes you less selfish.
When your mind-set is to give more than you take, it forces you to think of others more than of yourself.
Giving Is by Nature Intentional
People rarely give by accident. They must make an effort to give. It is an act of will. That intentionality grows us and makes us more proactive—important qualities for leaders.
Giving Changes the World—One Person at a Time
What would the world be like if everyone tried to give more than he or she took? People would change. It’s difficult for a healthy person to keep receiving from others without giving something back. Out of abundance comes generosity. Give generously to others without the hope of return, and the person receiving is changed and wants to pass it on. Once you have the mind-set of giving, the more you receive, the more you want to give. It becomes a positive cycle. As it spreads, not only do individuals change, but so do communities.
What does generosity have to do with leadership? Well, think about this: How do you respond to people who give? How do you respond to generous leaders? Don’t their actions make you want to give back, work harder, do your best? I know that’s what they do for me.
If you become a generous leader who always strives to give more than you receive, you will create a positive team and organization that others will always want to be a part of.
  1. What have you been given? Look back on your life and think about what you’ve been given. Even people from the least advantaged backgrounds have positive experiences to draw upon.
  2. What do you have? Look within to discover what talents, skills, and passions reside in you that you can pass along to others. You have worth. Others can benefit from your time and expertise.
  3. What can you do? Chances are that there are things you can do for others right now. Look around you. What opportunities do you currently see to add value to others?

Exercises That Increase Height

We all want to grow taller and sometimes just need the correct guidance in order to do so. The basic question in this case that is asked by almost everyone is how you get tall. One more question that is asked by teenagers, especially boys is that what are the exercises to grow taller? Hence if you are really worried about your height and want to increase your height, try doing any of the following exercise to increase height.

#1 : Stretching is really good for health

If you have not done stretching before, here’s how you do it. First of all, you need to stand vertically on your feet. Once done, you will have to lift your body with both your arms facing up. Try and remain in this position as well as try and stretch your body as much as possible. You should remain in this position from 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this process couple of times and you are done. You can also try out different variations of Stretching like the vertical stretching, the bow down, the bridge and the super stretch.

#2 : Hanging exercises if done in proper way are good for health

Hanging exercises are the exercises that can be considered as universal in nature. This means they can be done by people of all ages. If done correctly this is really helpful to keep you fit as well as help you grow up in height. All you need to do for this is hang on a horizontal bar with your arms and your spine stretched out. You can stay in this position for 10 seconds and can repeat this exercise 5 to 6 times without exerting yourself.

#3 : Swimming makes it easy for you to grow

We all are familiar with swimming. The process is very simple. All you need to do is remain floating on water. However, it is only simple when you know how to swim. So, the first step for you if you do not know how to swim is to learn the procedure from a trainer. Even if you swim for 5 hours a week, you will find that you are feeling more fresh and rejuvenated. Hence, if you are looking for a full body exercise, try out the breast stroke, which provides exercise for each and every part of your body.

#4 : Inversion tables can be a bit risky

Using inversion table without proper expertise and supervision can be considered as a risky affair. But if you know the procedure of the same, it will look very simple. All you need to do is hang upside down from the “inversion table”. This particular exercise is helpful for stretching all the parts of your body, especially your knees, your vertebrae and your thighs.

#5 : Leg kick is a less known exercise but works better

The name of the exercise suggests what you need to do. You need to stand on the floor and then kick your lower legs vigorously without moving your thighs. This helps the cartilage present in your knees to grow in mass and eventually helps in your growth. This is the exercise that is performed regularly by the martial arts fighter.

#6 : Basketball is a great way to grow up

Have you ever heard that basketball helps you grow up? If the answer is no, then it is true in both senses. When you play basketball you can grow in height as well as grow up mentally. Hence it is a great way to grow up as an adult.

#7 : Cobra pose is a new way of stretching

One of the exercises that help you grow up is the cobra pose. In this, you need to lie down on your stomach and keep your upper body still. After that lift your upper body and try and stretch as much you want. This pose resembles the snake cobra and hence is named after it.

#8 : Ankle weights can serve as a good way

One more way to grow up is perhaps using ankle weights. This is done by tying small weights to your ankles and it helps in the growth of your knee cartilages which in turn help in the growth.


Thus, if you try out the above exercises, you are bound to find an improvement in terms of growth. In addition to this, you must follow a proper balanced diet. So, start your workout routine today and grow up. All the best!

Your Personality (Four Temperaments)

by Dr. D. W. Ekstrand

There are “reasons” for everything we do as human beings, though it is often difficult for us to understand why we think like we think, feel like we feel, or act like we act in life. Many of the answers for human behavior can be found in people’s temperaments or personalities.

The study of the human personality goes all the way back to the famous Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), the “father of medicine” — he was born during the prophetic ministries of Nehemiah and Malachi, or some 450 years before the birth of Christ.

Hippocrates’ work has been researched extensively and is used as a dynamic diagnostic tool in both psychology and psychiatry to this day. A generic explanation of humanTemperaments or Personalities is that all of us have been born with genetically inherited “behavioral tendencies” that are as much a part of our DNA as is the color of our hair; all of us are made up of DNA combinations passed on to us through our parents and ancestors.

This fact is important because it helps us to more fully understand our basic behavioral disposition. Even though much of our human personality is inherited, it should also be noted, much of it has also been influenced and shaped by our unique environments. Most scientific research on human behavior suggests that about 50% of the variations in human personality are determined by genetic factors — so our human behavior is shaped equally by our environment and by our DNA.

Thus, all of us as human beings have been hard-wired by our Creator (we are not just products of random chance – Ps 119:73; 139:13-16; Is 44:24), and we have all been impacted by the world around us. Furthermore, according to the scientific analysis all human personalities are commonly divided up into four major categories (with the exception of those with severe mental disorders), and these four types are further broken down into two categories — Extroverts and Introverts:

Extroverted Personalities: The Choleric and Sanguine personality-types are more “out-going,” more sociable, and more comfortable in a crowd, even standing out in a crowd.

Introverted Personalities: The Melancholy and Phlegmatic personality-types are more shy and “reserved” and feel anxious about being in crowd, especially at being singled-out in a crowd.
It should be noted that all human beings have a degree of each of these four personality types within them, though each person will definitely test out higher in one, with another being a close second.  No individual only possesses one personality type, and most of us have a very strong secondary temperament. Should you take one of the personality tests available today, you would discover that you possess dominant characteristics in a couple of the temperaments, and each kind of personality has a general characteristic associated with it.

It should be noted that there are varying degrees of Extroversion and Introversion — in other words, some Phlegmatics and Melancholies “border” on being out-going, and some Cholerics and Sanguines “border” on being shy. Though the characteristics may not be true for everyone with a particular personality, they are generally true for the vast majority of people.

All four personality types have general strengths and weaknesses with which people must contend, and no one personality type is better than any other. All four have both good and bad qualities, and all four are needed to make this world a better place.

Whatever your temperament or personality, God is the one who has given you the abilities and sensitivities that you possess, and He has given those things to you for a purpose — that you might faithfully work at developing them and using them in His service. Though our temperaments have been tainted by sin and the fall, God’s Spirit is mightily at work in us transforming us into the image of Christ that we might be more effective workmen in His Kingdom (Jn 17:17-20; 2 Cor 3:18; 5:20; Eph 4:7-16; Phil 2:13).

Remember, no two people are alike – we are all unique – and we have all been given a unique call-ing in life. Therefore it is important that we not covet qualities we do not possess; rather, that we focus on discovering God’s will for our lives and enjoy serving Him with the skill-set with which we have been blessed; knowing that God wants to use us to do the work for which He designed us. So identify your skills and strengths and get to work! (Prayerfully reflect upon the following passages –- Mt 6:33; 13:12; 25:14-30; Lk 12:48; Jn 21:20-22; 1 Cor 4:2; 12:4-7, 21-24; Eph 2:10).

Of all the relationships we have in life, marriage is by far the most important. A good relation-ship between a husband and a wife makes for a happy home. A marriage shadowed by bitterness, fighting and other unpleasantness leaves its scars on not only the couple, but also on their children and those around them.

Good marriages are not just accidents — they are the result of hard work and understanding. In general, marriages between two people with thesame personality type have the greatest potential for clashing, and anyone married to a sanguine or choleric is in for a challenge; this is mainly due to the tendencies of these two personality types to require excessive attention and control, respectively. Thus pretty much all marriages will have fairly significant challenges. Most oftenopposites do attract — Sanguine individuals tend to marry Melancholy ones, and Cholerics favor Phlegmatics; though such situations are not always the case, they do appear to be the most common. It should be noted that there is no such thing asthe ideal combination;” we are all fallen human beings with foibles and shortcomings.
Following is a brief description of each of the four temperaments or personalities — at the end of each description I have listed the two primary characteristics for that temperament. By identify-ing the two temperaments that best describe who you are as a person, you should be able to identify your “strongest characteristic” — be it predominantly extroversion, introversion, organizational, or relational.

Aside from the Extrovert-Introvert continuum that was described above on the pre-vious page, there is the Organizational-Relational continuum — Cholerics and Melancholies are moreorganizational,” whereas the Sanguines and Phlegmatics are morerelational.” With that said, let’s look at a description of the four temperaments, beginning with the “sanguine” —

A. SANGUINE — The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking. Sanguine’s are frequently referred to as the talker.” They are expressive in personality… desire influence, and being enthusiastic with people… in expressing thoughts with excitement… and being the center of attention. The Sanguine is sociable and charismatic, generally warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, creative, compassionate, and outgoing; he is the life of the party, humorous, enthusiastic, and cheerful; he easily attracts others and makes friends; he inspires others to work and join in the fun. He is sincere at heart, always a child, creative and colorful, possesses energy and enthusiasm, loves people, is a great volunteer, thrives on compliments, and doesn’t hold grudges. The Sanguine likes to talk a lot… struggles with completing tasks… is chronically late… and tends to forget his obligations… he bases his decisions primarily on feelings. Sanguine types can be great parents, because they love to have fun; but their homes are often frenzied and disorganized, and the only time you find everyone silent is when they are sleeping! Sanguine people usually possess high amounts of energy, so they often seem restless and spon-taneous. This type of personality loves the life of luxury and impressing others… they are big spenders… they love to travel the world and indulge in rich, comfortable living… and they will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting. They are impulsive and often find it difficult to control their cravings; as such, people with this temperament are more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and taking risk; sadly, they are most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions and mood disorders. These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing and adventurous. The Sanguine is very poor at tolerating boredom; for the most part he will try to avoid monotony and that which is routine at all costs; routine jobs and boring companions annoy him and irritate him. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Sanguine are King David and Peter. In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Sanguine is essentially described as being relational and an extrovert
• Is self-composed, seldom shows signs of embarrassment, perhaps forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group; likes to be heard.
• Prefers group activities; work or play; not easily satisfied with individual projects.
• Is not insistent upon acceptance of his ideas or plans; compliant and yielding.
• Is good in details; prefers activities requiring pep and energy.
• Is impetuous and impulsive; his decisions are often (usually) wrong.
• Is keenly alive to environment, physical and social; likes curiosity.
• Tends to take success for granted; is a follower; lacks initiative.
• Is hearty and cordial, even to strangers; forms acquaintanceship easily.
• Tends to elation of spirit; not given to worry and anxiety; is carefree.
• Seeks wide and broad range of friendships; is not selective; not exclusive in games.
• Is quick and decisive in movements; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Turns from one activity to another in rapid succession; little perseverance.
• Makes adjustments easily; welcomes changes; makes the best appearance possible.
• Is frank, talkative, sociable, expresses emotions readily; does not stand on ceremony.
• Has frequent fluctuations of mood; tends to frequent alterations of elation and depression.

B. CHOLERIC — The Choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. The Choleric is the strongest of the extroverted Temperaments, and is sometimes referred to as a “Type A” personality orthe doer(or “the driver”); he is a hard driving individual known for accomplishing goals… he has a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and tries to instill it in others. Dominant in personality Cholerics desire control, and are best at jobs that demand strong control and authority, and require quick decisions and instant attention. The Choleric is the most insensitive of the Temperaments; they care little for the feelings of others; feelings simply don’t play into the equation for them. Most Cholerics are men, and born leaders who exude confidence; they are naturally gifted businessmen, strong willed, independent, self sufficient, they see the whole picture, organize well, insist on production, stimulate activity, thrive on opposition, are unemotional and not easily discouraged. They are decisive, must correct wrongs when they see them, and compulsively need to change things. They systematize everything, are all about independence, and do not do well in a subordinate position. They are goal oriented and have a wonderful focus as they work; they are good at math and engineering, are analytical, logical and pragmatic; and are masters at figuring things out. They are skeptical and do not trust easy; they need to investigate the facts on their own, relying on their own logic and reasoning. If they are absorbed in something, do not even bother trying to get their attention. Negatively, they are bossy, domineering, impatient, can’t relax, quick tempered, easily angered, unsympathetic, enjoy arguments, too impetuous, and can dominate people of other tempera-ments, especially the Phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were Cholerics. They like to be in charge of everything… they are workaholics who thrive on control and want their way… they are highly independent people, and have very little respect for diplomas and other credentials. They set high standards, are diligent and hard-working, are rarely satisfied, and never give up their attempts to succeed. Choleric women are very rare, but strangely are very popular people. Cholerics have the most trouble with anger, intolerance and impatience; they want facts instead of emotions; and should you get your feelings hurt, it’s your problem, not theirs. The Choleric does not have many friends (though he needs them), and he has a tendency to fall into deep sudden depression, and is much prone to mood swings. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Choleric are the apostle Paul, James, Martha and Titus. In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Choleric is essentially described as being organizational and an extrovert
• Is self-composed; seldom shows embarrassment, is forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group if he has some purpose in view.
• Is insistent upon the acceptance of his ideas or plans; argumentative and persuasive.
• Is impetuous & impulsive; plunges into situations where forethought would have deterred him.
• Is self-confident and self-reliant; tends to take success for granted.
• Exhibits strong initiative; tends to elation of spirit; seldom gloomy; prefers to lead.
• Is very sensitive and easily hurt; reacts strongly to praise or blame.
• Is not given to worry or anxiety; he is seclusive.
• Is quick and decisive in movement; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Has marked tendency to persevere; does not abandon something readily regardless of success.
• Is characterized by emotions not freely or spontaneously expressed, except anger.
• Makes best appearance possible; perhaps conceited; may use hypocrisy, deceit, disguise.

C. PHLEGMATIC — The Phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics are referred to asthe watcher — they are best in positions of unity and mediation, and solid in positions that desire steadiness. The Phlegmatic is most often a female who tends to be easygoing, content with herself, calm, cool and collected, tolerant of others, well-balanced, sympathetic, kind, unassuming, keeps emotions hidden, is happily reconciled to life, not in a hurry, has many friends, avoids conflict, inoffen-sive, quiet but witty, agreeable and intuitive… though they are very peaceful, patient and adaptable, they tend to be reluctant, indecisive and a worrier. They are wonderful at gathering facts, classifying them, and seeing the relationship between them; basically, they are good at generalizing, seeing the bigger picture, and reading between the lines. They are accepting, affectionate, frequently shy, and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. Because they are fearful, indecisive and hesitant of things in life, they have a compromising nature. Phleg-matics often worries about everything. They want to know other people’s deepest feelings and strive to build intimate attachments with just about everyone in their lives. They are interested in cooperation and interpersonal harmony, and this is why they preserve their family ties and friendships. They could be described as considerate, charitable, sympathetic, trusting, warm, calm, relaxed, consistent, rational, curious, and observant — this makes them good adminis-trators. Phlegmatic men and women strive for greater self-knowledge, and seek to contribute to society at large. On the negative side, they are often selfish, self-righteous, judge others easily, resist change, stay uninvolved, dampen enthusiasm, and can be passive-aggressive. In large part, the Phlegmatic temperament is deemed to be a neutral temperament. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Phlegmatic are Joseph, Timothy and Barnabas. In addition to the following characteristics, the Phlegmatic is essentially described as being relational and an introvert
• Is deliberative; slow in making decisions; perhaps overcautious in minor matters.
• Is indifferent to external affairs.
• Is reserved and distant.
• Is slow in movement.
• Has a marked tendency to persevere.
• Exhibits a constancy of mood.

D. MELANCHOLIC — The Melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted & thoughtful. Melancholies are often referred to as the thinker.”  Their analytical personality’s desire caution and restraint, best at attending to details and in analyzing problems too difficult for others. They tend to be deep-thinkers and feelers who often see the negative attributes of life, rather than the good and positive things. They are self-reliant and independent and get wholly involved in what they are doing. Melancholies can be highly creative in activities such as art, literature, music, health-care and ministry, and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world; they long to make a significant and lasting difference in the world. Melancholies usually have a high degree of perfectionist tendencies, especially in regards to their own lives or performance. They are serious, purposeful, analytical, musical, artistic, talented, creative, self-sacrificing, conscien-tious, idealistic, philosophical, and are genius prone. They are also very “introspective” and hold themselves to a very high standard — one that can rarely be achieved. They tend to be highly organized, schedule oriented, economical, tidy, neat, detail conscious, finish what they start, like charts, graphs, figures and lists, see the problems and are able to identify creative solutions with ease. Sadly, many Melancholies are also victims of deep bouts of depression that come from great dissatisfaction, disappointment, hurtful words or events. Melancholy personalities are people who have a deep love for others, while usually holding themselves in contempt. In short, melancholies take life very seriously (too much so sometimes) and it often leaves them feeling blue, helpless or even hopeless. Because they are deeply caring people, they make great doctors, nurses, social workers, ministers, and teachers. This comes from a deep sense of what others are feeling or experiencing and the inward need to reach out and do something in order to help them. They are extremely loyal in friendships; there is an old saying that goes like this: “If you have a Melancholy for a friend, you have a friend for life.” Most Melancholies have a low self-image, are inclined toward depression, think “self-promotion” is tacky, are continually into “fixing themselves,” are notoriously “guilty” (they have an over-active conscious), and tend to worry much too often about their health. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Melancholy are Moses and Abraham. In addition to the following characteristics listed below, the Melancholy is essentially described as being organizational and an introvert
• Is self-conscious, easily embarrassed, timid, bashful.
• Avoids talking before a group; when obliged to he finds it difficult.
• Prefers to work and play alone. Good in details; careful.
• Is deliberative; slow in making decisions; perhaps overcautious even in minor matters.
• Is lacking in self-confidence and initiative; compliant and yielding.
• Tends to detachment from environment; reserved and distant except to intimate friends.
• Tends to depression; frequently moody or gloomy; very sensitive; easily hurt.
• Does not form acquaintances readily; prefers narrow range of friends; somewhat exclusionary.
• Worries over possible misfortune; crosses bridges before coming to them.
• Is secretive; seclusive; shut in; not inclined to speak unless spoken to.
• Is slow in movement; deliberative or perhaps indecisive; moods frequent and constant.
• Often represents himself at a disadvantage; modest and unassuming.
Closing note to this section: The biblical characters listed above — Joseph, Timothy, Barnabas, David, Peter, Paul, James, Titus, Martha, Moses, and Abraham — obviously possessed temperaments other than the one attributed to them. These individuals were chosen because of the behavioral tendencies they demonstrated at various times in biblical history.

                                                         THE VARIOUS “TEMPERAMENT COMBINATIONS”
Following are the various temperament combinations and what they look like when they are combined together. Once you have identified yourprimary temperamentand the temperament that is a close second for you, you are then ready to see how the two temperaments look when joined together. When looking at the various temperament options below, your primary temperamentwill be listed first — for example, if your primary temperament is a Sanguine and your runner-up temperament is a Choleric, they would be listed as “San/Chol” under the heading “Sanguine,” not as “Chol/San” under the heading “Choleric” (your secondary temperament); your primary temper-ament needs to be listed first. The corresponding results of the combinations listed can be found on the following website if interested:

San/Chol – This is the strongest “extrovert” of all the blends because both primary types are extroverted. They are people-oriented and enthusiastic but with the resolutions of the Choleric tempering the lack of organization of the Sanguine. He is almost always a sports enthusiast and is ideal in sales. He can talk too much and can be obnoxious if threatened. The forgetfulness of the Sanguine and the caustic nature of the Choleric may make them hurtful without realizing it.
San/Mel – They are highly emotional people whose moods can fluctuate from highs to lows and back again quickly. The Sanguine’s outgoing nature often allows the Melancholy's critical nature to surface too easily. It is very easy for a San/Mel to "get down" on themselves, and to realize their potential, it is best that they work with others.
San/Phleg – The overpowering outgoing nature of the Sanguine is tempered by the gracious Phlegmatic. These are extremely happy and carefree individuals who live to help people. They would not purposely hurt anyone but they must fight a lack of workplace motivation; they would rather visit than work.

Chol/San – The second strongest extrovert is an active and purposeful individual; he is almost fearless and has high levels of energy. Whatever his profession, his brain is always active and engaged. His weaknesses combine the quick anger of the Sanguine with the resentment of the Choleric. He gets AND gives ulcers. He may leave people (including spouse and children) shell-shocked and resentful because of his angry outbursts.
Chol/Mel – The Choleric/Melancholy is very industrious and capable. He is both Industrious and detailed. He combines verbal aggressiveness with sharp attention to detail. He is very competitive and forceful. He can be autocratic and opinionated with work habits that keep after details until the job is completely finished. He finds interpersonal relationships difficult due to the hard-to-please nature of the Choleric and the perfectionistic nature of the Melancholy.
Chol/Phleg – This is the most subdued of the outgoing temperaments. He is extremely capable in the long run though he may not impress you that way at first. He is organized and a good planner. He often gets more accomplished than other temperaments because he always thinks in terms of enlisting others to help him. His weaknesses include a tendency to quietly harbor bitterness rather than letting it out. Acknowledging weaknesses is difficult for him and he tends to worry about his performance in life activities.

Phleg/San – This is the easiest to get along with being congenial, happy, and people-oriented.
They make excellent administrators and other jobs that involve getting along with people. He may
lack motivation and discipline and may fall short of his true capabilities. He may "putter around"
for years without making progress.
Phleg/Chol – This is the most active of the introverts but he'll never be a ball of fire. He can be an excellent counselor because he is an active listener. He is practical and helpful and patient. He may lack motivation and may become stubborn if threatened. He may also have a tendency toward being sedentary and passive. He needs to be around other people as he is externally motivated.
Phleg/Mel – This is gracious and quiet, does the proper thing and is dependable. He wobbles between patience and criticism and may tend toward negativism. They can be afraid of over-extending themselves so may avoid involvement in a group.

Mel/San – They are detailed and organized; the Melancholy is tempered by the outgoing and warm Sanguine. He makes an excellent teacher as his organized side is well versed in the facts and his Sanguine side makes him enjoyable to listen to. If he goes into sales it will be sales that calls for exacting detail and the presentation of many facts. He is an emotional person – from being moved to tears to being critical and hard on others. Both temperaments can be fearful which may make this an insecure person with a poor self image.
Mel/Chol – This is both a perfectionist and a driver which may lead him into law or medicine. They mix decisiveness and determination. Because of the critical nature of the Melancholy they may be very difficult to please. If they become negative about someone or something it will have a tendency to stay with them for a long time. Their combination can lead them to "nit-pick" others and be revengeful to those they have a grudge against.
Mel/Phleg – These are often teachers and scholars. They are not as prone to hostility as other
Melancholy blends and combine analysis with organization. They make excellent accountants and bookkeepers. Unfortunately he can become easily discouraged and may be susceptible to fear and anxiety. They may become uncooperative because of stubborn, rigid tendencies.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to look fabulous in your 30s:

To stay gorgeous through your 30s and after, follow these 8 simple steps:

1. Cleansing

Cleanse your skin each morning and make sure to remove all makeup and cleanse again before bedtime. This allows the skin to perform its essential protective and renewal functions well. Always use products suggested by your dermatologist as there are many products available in the market and picking the right can be confusing.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliate at night rather than in the day. Overnight skin is in renewal mode and removing dead skin skin prior to bedtime enhances the skin’s function. Exfoliate gently, just to remove dead skin and if your skin is oily or you’ve got acne then exfoliating twice a week should be sufficient.

3. Protect

Protect your skin during the day by combining an antioxidant serum or vitamin C serum with sun screen as they enhance each other. Be sure to apply the sunscreen first.

4. Stay hydrated

Make sure that the skin is not dehydrated. Don’t spend more than 5 minutes in the shower and use lukewarm water. Use a moisturizing body wash as acts as a protective moisture barrier for the skin.
Here’s a golden nugget of advice for working professionals: Add 4-5 drops of essential body oils or if nothing then almond oil/vitamin e oil/sesame oil in 2 mugs of water and splash it on the body to form a moisturizing coat.

5. Sunscreen

Wear a sunscreen with broad spectrum UVA/UVB sun protection every single day of the year, including raining days and on overcast winter days. UVA rays are “slow agers” which remain constant throughout the year.

6. Moisturize

Rub in rich intense moisturizing body lotion or apricot oil daily after bathing on slightly damp body for a healthy, hydrated skin.

7. Drink water

Drink plenty of water to also stay hydrated internally. Add lemon or lime juice for an extra boost. Eat a healthy and high-fiber diet and workout for atleast 15-20 daily.

8. Stay stress free

Of course that’s easier said than done but indulging in a hobby of ones choice works wonders for the skin.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fat Belly Diet

Fat Flush Water

Fat Flush Water Recipe

This is another version of the fat flush water, it also promotes energy and good health. I think it sounds delicious, it will be in my refrigerator in the next few days! This drink can play a huge role in your flat belly diet! Enjoy!
2 liters water
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, sliced
1 medium lemon, sliced
12 small spearmint leaves
Place all ingredients in a large pitcher, let blend together overnight, the next day drink the whole pitcher during the course of the day. Hello fast weight loss!

8 Drinks to Boosts Your Immune System


8 Drinks to Boosts Your Immune System

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your body from illnesses is to consume foods and drinks that contain substances that have immune system boosting qualities. Many fruits and vegetables have high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can strengthen the immune system, and you can turn them into nutritional juices that are highly beneficial to your health. By ingesting these drinks on a regular basis, you have a chance of experiencing less health problems.

8 immune system boosting drinks are:

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon is one of the cheapest fruits that you can find in the grocery store or market, but it can bring amazing benefits to your health. This fruit contains lots of antioxidants and vitamin C, which can improve the immune system, and it also balances the levels of alkali and acids in the body. As such, drinking lemonade or lemon tea regularly will make your body less susceptible to illnesses.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is apple juice, which has a wide range of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, including calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sulphur, iron and fluorine. This drink also contains vinegar, an acidic liquid that is known to contribute to the efficiency of the immune system.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is the perfect immune system boosting drink. It introduces a substance called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, into the body, and this substance can fight bacteria and prevent viruses from multiplying. According to recent research, ECGC may be able to control the development of cancer.

4. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is not only a delicious drink; it is also a great source of potent antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which are effective in promoting the immune system. Cranberry juice can also help to prevent heart diseases and improve the urinary track system.

5. Beet Juice

Beet juice does not only enhance the immune system; it can also benefit your health in other ways. Some of the essential nutrients that are present in beet juice are beta carotene, vitamin C, carotenoids, sulphur, calcium, iron, manganese and potassium choline. This drink can improve the function of the brain, cleanse blood and strengthen the gallbladder and liver. It may be too concentrated to make a pleasant drink, but it can be mixed with apple or carrot juice.

6. Kiwi Juice

Another effective immune system boosting drink is kiwi juice. This juice contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are essential for a healthy immune system. Kiwi fruit also provides lots of fiber and potassium, and it can protect your body from heart illnesses.

7. Broccoli Juice

Regular consumption of broccoli will benefit the immune system, because the vegetable has good amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin B1 and C, calcium, protein, potassium and sulphur. Pure broccoli juice is very concentrated, and it has to be diluted with lighter juices.

8. Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is a sweet drink that is well-liked by both adults and children. Additionally, it can strengthen the immune system and bring other health benefits. It contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, iron, sodium and phosphorus, which function to prevent illnesses, improve liver function, provide relief for the nervous system, alkalize blood and tone the walls of the intestines.

The 5-minute Recipe To Boost Your Immune System

The 5-minute Recipe To Boost Your Immune System


This super simple recipe contains all the ingredients you need to give your immune system a quick boost! And a single dose is all you need to recover from the onset of a cold.  It contains garlic, cayenne pepper, lemon and honey. You probably expected more but this is all you need to ward of viruses and boost your immune system.
So why does it work?  As we all know, garlic is a hundred times stronger than antibiotics in combating bacterial diseases, colds and flus.  This is likely due to its immune boosting effects as well as  garlic’s potent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.   Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which can open up your sinuses, fight inflammation, cardiovascular support, helps with ulcers, boosts immune system and metabolism.  “Cayenne pepper’s bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A.   Just two teaspoons of cayenne pepper provide 47% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy epithelial tissues including the mucous membranes that line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body’s first line of defense against invading pathogens.” source.    The honey and lemon also have the reputation, in terms of healing. Together they form a veritable elixir that will set you free from your cold or flu.
The preparation time of the recipe is minimal – less than 5 minutes.

You will need

  • 1 lemon,
  • 1-2 clove of garlic,
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper,
  • 1 tablespoon honey

How to make it?

  • Cut the lemon in half.
  • Remove the juice of one half of the lemon. Keep its remaining shell.
  • Mince  the garlic and leave it rest for 10 minutes. Then add the lemon juice, along with the cayenne pepper.
  • Add the honey and mix them thoroughly.
  • scrape out the fiber from the lemon shells and add to mix.
1 tablespoon per day to boost your immune system.  If you have a cold or flu take it a minimum of 3 times per day, although we have heard that one dose is all you need.